Djivêye des ovraedjes di l’ uzeu
Résultats pour copiner djournå des blocaedjes djournås Journal des blocages globaux journal des abus
8 octôbe 2019
- 17:208 octôbe 2019 à 17:20 dif. ist. +3 016 Pådje:H. Forir - Notul so lè bazè skol dè vî tin, 1862 (in BSLLW t.4 p.66-78).djvu/fel/9 PUBLIC LAW 104-201—SEPT. 23, 1996 110 STAT. 2519 "3963. Highest grade held satisfactorily: Reserve enlisted members reduced in grade not as a result of the member's misconduct.". (b) NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. —(1) Chapter 571 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section: §6336. Highest grade held satisfactorily: Reserve enlisted members reduced in grade not as a result of the member's misconduct "(a) A member of the Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve